blog eats blog world

Tue Jan 4 2005 17:34 MST link


I had a cold for about a week and a half, and drank very little coffee during that period. So now my body is not used to much caffeine again. I've been drinking green tea.

I'm thinking of trying and going for a week without any caffeine, and this would include chocolate.

I saw some pictures of people's brain activity in National Geographic recently. They had three pictures: heavy caffeine user with no caffeine, heavy user with caffeine, and non-user with no caffeine.

The picture of the person in caffeine withdrawal was scary - there was a LOT less brain activity going on. And the two pictures of the caffeinated person and the person who needs no caffeine were not that different. There was a little more activity in the caffeinated person. I wonder if the trade off is worth it - all that decreased activity in exchange for a little more activity later?

But the main thing here is, it is really really hard for me not to have caffeine. I'm a total addict when it comes to things caffeinated.

Maybe I will try. My advance apologies to Nathan for any bitchiness that results.

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