caffeine update day 2
So I don't think caffeine is "bad" for me. Mostly I want to not be quite as addicted to it. I think it may be giving me headaches more often than when I don't have it. Of course - cutting myself off cold turkey is giving me headaches too.
So I've made it to day 2 ok. I feel better today than I did yesterday. I still popped some Advil this morning though. It is like I've traded coffee for ibuprofen.
Yesterday lasted forever. Yesterday afternoon and evening were hard - I wanted to take a nap, then later I got a headache, and my legs really ached from working out earlier this week still. I went to the gym after work to get some energy from working out. It didn't really give me much energy, but my workout was pretty good.
I got a nasty headache that Advil didn't get rid of. However a hot bath and then lying on my back with a rolled up towel under my neck eventually made it go away.
The reason I'm going cold turkey is mostly to prove to myself that I can go without caffeine for a week. It is easy to say, but for me, not easy to do. Especially when your coworkers bring in delicious looking chocolate cake or bring a pot of coffee by your cubicle in the morning.
I could have tapered off, but I don't drink all that much - for the few days before I started this, I was drinking two cups of tea a day, at least one of them green, if not both, and maybe had a small amount of chocolate. I suppose I could have cut down to one cup of tea a day. Also I am curious how long it will be till I feel normal and energized with any caffeine. Weeks? Months? Never?
Plus I will go back to having caffeine - I love chocolate too much to give it up.