Blog eats Blog by Rachel

garden 05!

Sat Feb 12 2005 11:01 MST #

So yesterday I read about veggies that I should plant as soon as the ground can be worked in the spring. Since today is a rainy Washington day here in NM, and the ground is no longer frozen, I went out and planted some early spring crops. It seemed like a good early spring gardening day. I planted: Kale, Turnips, Leeks, Green Onions, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Collards, Peas and Spinach. Basically everything I had that was on the list of stuff to plant. Of course, then I looked another document that said I should wait a month. I figure I can replant if nothing grows at all.

About the rain - it looks like we got about an inch in the last 24 hours. That would be about 1/12 of our yearly rain fall!

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