Mon Mar 7 2005 12:46 MST #man I feel like crap. I've been sick for a week and a half now - some sort of asthma/allergy thing. Wheezing when I breathe deeply. I went to my allergist last week and he eneded up giving me prednisone. Which was supposed to make me feel completely better after the five day treatment. But I still don't. Which means I might possibly have sinusitus instead, although i haven't actually gotten worse than before.
This is really frustrating. I feel sluggish and tired and can't concentrate. which is why i'm bitching here. I just missed out on lots of fun skiing this last weekend cause of this.
i went out and bought an air purifier yesterday, and I did sleep a lot better last night - for about five days there, I would wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to fall asleep again for an hour and ahalf at least. Then this weekend we went to Pagosa Springs, where I ended up just sitting in the hot springs while nathan and liam skiied. I managed to do about a half day of skiing but had to take it very easy.
Its just this lingering thing that is keeping me from feeling good. I hate it. also I just want to lay down and nap.
I'm thinking of trying out acupuncture to see if that can help. I can't keep taking oral steroids everytime my allergies get bad - that stuff is nasty for the immune system among other things.
ah well.