Blog eats Blog by Rachel


Fri Mar 11 2005 11:27 MST #

Today is the first official day of spring as far as I am concerned. It is so warm out - it must be in the high 50s if not the 60s already.

I planted all of my garden seedlings this morning- they will live in the cold frame until the last frost passes.

I planted:

  • Brandywine Tomatoes
  • Cherokee Purple Tomatoes
  • Yellow Pear Tomatoes
  • Pasilla Chiles
  • Chimayo Chiles
  • Bell Peppers
  • Bambino Eggplant
  • Cilantro
  • Basil
  • Walla Walla onions

I also fixed up some of the planters, dug compost into a bed whose soil needs improvement, set up a micro-sprinkler for the cold frame, and tidied up the yard. I also have a number of flower pots that are empty and need to be planted with seeds of some sort - I'm thinking flowers. Now I'm going to sit back and relax with The Garden Primer and Container Gardening. I'm going to try and resist going into Santa Fe Greenhouses, because going there is just an invitation to spend money like there's no tomorrow on irresistible little plants.

I want to plant some more herbs and I want another varety of eggplant- I found the Bambino to be a little bitter but there may have been some other factor at play there, since I think the first batch were fine. I want to grow a Japanese eggplant as well.

The seeds I planted last month or so are doing great - the kale, peas and turnips have all sprouted. The onions/leeks and brussel sprouts/broc are just starting to sprout now.

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