extensive green roof
Fri Mar 18 2005 13:56 MST #So I don't think that green roofs are all that hard to make. For an extensive green roof, you need:
- decking material
- rubber/PVC membrane
- something such as PVC to stop the roots from penetrating layer #2
- drainage layer, pumice,gravel, Mira-Drain fabric are all possibilities.
- 2-6 inches of gravel/soil with those water-absorbing crystals mixed in. You want something that will keep its volume over time and of course allow the plants to grow and thrive. or at least survive.
- shallow-rooted xeric plants like sedum.
Oh yeah, and probably hook it up for drip irrigation too. That could be under layer 5 or in it.
Basically, you get someone to put on a standard rubber membrane roof. Then tack on the other stuff, dump in some growing medium and plant. Easy as 1 2 3. ;-)