Blog eats Blog by Rachel


Mon Mar 21 2005 14:29 MST #

I bought some sedums and other roof-style plants at Santa Fe Greenhouses yesterday. We picked up two hens n' chicks, a sedum, an ice plant, thyme, and veronica. Now I need to make some shallow (6 inch deep) planter for these plants. I'll probably use some old plywood and two-by-fours I have sitting around and make a planter. I wish I could think of something more creative - anyone think of anything large and shallow I could plant in? By large I want something at least 3 x 4 feet.

We had fun skiing at Taos - Nathan and i finally had our free ski day there - Pay for the first six, ski free on the seventh ( is their some sort of biblical connotation there? - and on the seventh day, they skiied free, then rested.)

Nathan was a mogul-master. Or as I prefer, "mog-master." (Mog rhymes with vogue).

Mog-master, mog faster!

(For all you Beastie Boys fans).

I wasn't quite as hot - but had a lot of fun. I didn't have that feeling of seamlessly zipping around the bumps. But we tried a lot of runs we've never gone on before, and found a lot of new fun tree runs. And I love the little Black Diamond Espresso stand on the back side of the mountain. we sat there and listened to Neil Young covering Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues and then some french jazz while drinking a piping hot mocha.

Now all I need is my own Japanese style hot tub (ofuro). Soon, soon.

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