Travel Notes

Thu Aug 8 19:43:03 2002 (rr)
Book: N/A
Location: North Cascades
Nathan and I went on a backpacking trip up in the Northern Cascades. The weather wasn't nearly as bad as the forecast, which promised thunderstorms and "unseasonably cold" weather. We planned on hiking to Whatcom Pass in two days, then turn around and hike back out. The hike was mostly in the forest, with a pass to cross on the first day, but mostly in valleys the rest of the time. After we crossed Hannegan Pass, there were a bunch of marmots (with the same fur coloration as my cat Octavius) scampering around. They were not shy of people -- one was only a couple feet away.
The second day involved a cable car crossing -- pulling ourselves in a little metal car across a wimpy looking cable over a rushing river-stream. Our camps were near creeks and surrounded by tall firs, many of which are as branchless as telephone poles. We discovered this when it came time to hang up our food to prevent the bears from feasting on our food.
The one rather miserable day began early, around 5, with the sound of rain starting to patter down on the tent fly. It steadily increased throughout the day, and as we walked into our next campsite, our feet were audibly squishing in our shoes. We set up camp, ate dinner for lunch at around three, and retreated to the tent to spend the afternoon reading and listening to the rain. The next day was pretty nice. We spent the first few hours doing the hard uphill part and the rest of the way out was downhill.
Next time we go out backpacking, I want to take a day or two in the middle to do day hikes. We were too tired to go the 3 more miles out to the pass and the cool-sounding nearby lakes. The hike in by itself was worth it though.

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Palau Pictures
Yap Pictures
Hawaii Pictures
Taiwan Pictures

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